Ph.D. Sanja Stojković

Ph.D. Sanja Stojković
Phone: +381112637421
У систему нису повезани курсеви за наставника.
2008. – Ph.D. in Geography (field: GIS) – University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography, Thesis: Importance of geoinformation infrastructure quality for the sustainable development management
1997–2004. – M.Sc. in Spatial Planning – University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography, Thesis: Informational basis for decision making in the environmental field
1990–1996. – B.Sc. in Spatial Planning – University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography, Thesis: Application of GIS IDRISI in preparation and presentation of spatial plans
Some of the training courses:
April 2018. – GeoMedia Essential 2018 – 20 hours Training. Hexagon, Prague.
June 2011. – Course: Spatial analysis in open source GIS: R + SAGA + Google Map Services, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade.
April – June 2007. – Course: Database design and SQL programming, Oracle Academy.
1995-1996. – Retraining for the profession Computer 3D Animation, National Employment Service and Center for Education “Center group” (Autodesk authorized training center), Belgrade.
2016. – Associate Professor, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Geography. Lectures: GIS Basics, Introduction to the GIS, GIS in spatial planning, Advanced GIS, GIS and tourism, Geospatial database, GIS, Geospatial data collection and integration, Application of GIS in research and protection of geographic space.
2011–2016. Assistant professor, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Geography. Lectures: Introduction to the GIS, GIS in spatial planning, Advanced GIS, GIS and tourism, Geospatial database.
2001–2011. Teaching assistant on the lectures: GIS and Computer science, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Geography.
1997–2001. Research assistant, Center for the Environment and GIS, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Geography. Works on the application of GIS in the spatial and environmental planning.
National scientific research projects financed by Ministry of Science of the Republic of Serbia (as team member):
2011: Development programs of Serbian rural revitalisation
2006-2010: The Geosystemic Basis of the Spatial-Functional Organization of the Republic of Serbia
2006-2010: The natural, demographical and economical potentials of Serbian rural areas
2002-2006: The anthropogeographical researches in Raška region
Some of the professional projects (as team member):
2017-2018. – Development of the master academic study program Geographical Information Systems, Higher education development, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia and University of Belgrade – Faculty of Geography.
2013. – Regional Spatial Plan for the Sumadija, Pomoravski, Raski and Rasina Regions (member of the thematic area team for the protection and management of natural resources) – Directorate for Urbanism Kragujevac and University of Belgrade – Faculty of Geography.
2012. – Regional Spatial Plan for the Podunavski and Branicevski Region (member of the thematic area team for the protection and management of natural resources) – JUGINUS and University of Belgrade – Faculty of Geography.
2010. – Public transportation lines and stops of seventeen city municipalities in the form of GIS – University of Belgrade – Faculty of Geography and Transport Secretariat, Belgrade.
2008. – Preparation and processing of spatial plans maps for publication on the Internet – GIS Solutions and и Republic Spatial Planning Agencie of the Ministry of Capital Investments of the Republic of Serbia.
2007. – Formation of an extended data model and definition of protocols for the exchange of graphic and alpha-numerical data in different formats in accordance with the needs of the GIS Service, for the purpose of a PUC Belgrade Waterworks and Sewerage, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Geography.
2004. – GIS in local communities – USAID and DAI.
2002-2004. – Education of geography teachers for computer implementation in the teaching process, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Geography and Serbian Geographical Society.
Scientific papers in the international peer-reviewed journals:
1. Šabić D., Vujadinović S., Stojković S., Djurdjić S. (2018). Urban Development Consequences on the Wetland Ecosystems Transformations—Case Study: Pančevački Rit, Serbia. Contemporary Problems of Ecology, 11(2), pp. 227–238. doi: 10.1134/S1995425518020129
2. Anđelković G., Pavlović S., Đurđić S., Belij M., Stojković S. (2016). Tourism climate comfort index (TCCI) – An attempt to evaluate the climate comfort for tourism purposes: the example of Serbia. Global NEST Journal, 18(3), pp. 482-493. doi: 10.30955/gnj.001798
3. Ilić M. M., Stojković S., Rundić Lj., Ćalić J., Sandić D. (2016). Application of the geodiversity index for the assessment of geodiversity in urban areas: an example of the Belgrade city area, Serbia. Geologia Croatica, 69(3), pp. 325–336. doi: 10.4154/gc.2016.27.
4. Sabic, D., Vujadinovic, S., Milincic, M., Golic, R., Stojkovic, S., Joksimovic, M., Filipovic, D., Secerov, V., Dimitrijevic, D. (2012). The Impact of FDI on the Transitional Economy in Serbia – Changes and Challenges. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 9(3), pp. 65-84. ISSN 1785-8860
5. Vujadinović, S., Šabić, D., Stojković, S., Milinčić, M. (2011). Years of refugee life in Serbia – Challenges for a new beginning: stay or return home? Trames – A Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 15(65/60), 3, pp. 235–258. doi: 10.3176/tr.2011.3.02.
6. Đurđić, S., Stojković, S., Šabić, D. (2011): Nature conservation in urban conditions: A case study from Belgrade, Serbia, Maejo Int. J. Sci. Technol., 5 (01), pp.129-145, ISSN 1905-7873.
Some of the scientific papers in the national peer-reviewed journals:
1. Marija Belij, Snežana Đurđić, Sanja Stojković (2018). The Evaluation of Geoheritage for Geotourism Development: Case Study on the Potential Geopark Djerdap. Collection of Papers – Faculty of Geography at the University of Belgrade, 66(2), pp. 121-132. doi:10.5937/zrgfub1802121B
2. Sanja Stojković (2017). GIS Analysis of Land Use Changes – Case Study: the Stara Pazova Municipality, Serbia. Collection of Papers – Faculty of Geography at the University of Belgrade, 65(1a), pp. 295-306. doi: 10.5937/zrgfub1765295G.
3. Stojković, S., Đurđić, S., Anđelković, G. (2015). Application of multi-criteria analysis and GIS in ecotourism development (case study: Serbian Danube region). Гласник Српског географског друштва, свеска XCV – број 1, стр. 51-66.
4. Đurđić, S., Stojković, S., Trkulja, S., Šabić, D. (2010). Nature protection as a form of cross-border cooperation between Serbia and neighboring countries – state and development perspectives. Geographica Timisiensis, vol. XIX, nr. 1/2010, pp. 341-351.
Some published scientific papers from national and international conferences:
1. Đurđić S., Stojković S., Belij M. (2019). The importance of ecotourism in the process of improving ecosystem services in Serbia. Proceedings International Scientific Symposium „New Trends in Geography” pp. 123-132. Ohrid, Republic of North Macedonia, October 3-4, 2019.
2. Vagić N., Stojković S. (2019). GIS analiza mogućnosti pojave klizišta u funkciji zaštite spomenika kulture u Srbiji. Zbornik radova „Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine”, APP Srbije i Univerzitet u Beogradu – Geografski fakultet, Beograd, str. 359-367. Palić, May 09-11, 2019.
3. Stojković S. (2018). Interoperabilnost geoprostornih podataka u funkciji integracije prostora. Zbornik radova „Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja”, APP Srbije i Univerzitet u Beogradu – Geografski fakultet, Beograd, str. 471-477. Trebinje, April 18-20, 2018.
4. Stojković S. (2016). Primena GIS-a u lokalnoj samoupravi – analiza stanja i perspektive razvoja u Srbiji. Zbornik radova „Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja”, APP Srbije i Univerzitet u Beogradu – Geografski fakultet, Beograd, str. 279-285. Vršac, June 02-04, 2016.
5. Стојковић, С. (2015). Место и улога метаподатака у инфраструктури геопросторних података, У: Станковић, С., Филиповић, Д., Ђурђић, С. (ур): Зборник радова са 4. Српског конгреса географа (са међународним учешћем), књига 2, Универзитет у Београду – Географски факултет, Српско географско друштво, Београд. стр. 31-36.
6. Stojković, S., Đurđić, S. (2013). INSPIRE direktiva u Srbiji. U: Milinčić, M., Filipović, D., Šećerov, V., Marić, M. (ur): Zbornik radova „Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine”, knjiga 1, APP Srbije, Univerzitet u Beogradu – Geografski fakultet, Beograd, str. 95-102.