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Ph.D. Sanja Pavlović

  /  Ph.D. Sanja Pavlović

Ph.D. Sanja Pavlović

Ph.D. Sanja Pavlović

Phone: +381602244639



Sanja Pavlović was born on February 20, 1974 in Belgrade. After finishing primary school and the Fifth Belgrade Gymnasium, she enrolled at the Faculty of Geography in Belgrade in 1993. She completed her undergraduate studies in 1998. In the same year, she enrolled in postgraduate studies in the field of Tourist Geography. She defended her master’s thesis entitled “Tourist valorization of archeological and ancient sites in Serbia” on December 26, 2002. She defended her doctoral thesis entitled “Tourist valorization of medieval sacral buildings in Serbia” on July 15, 2008 at the Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade, under the mentorship of Professor Emeritus Stevan Stankovic. In the same year, she was elected to the title assistant professor, and in 2016 associate professor.

From 2002 to 2004, she was involved in the project of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Development of Serbia “Geographical base of development of Serbia” with the topics “Natural tourist resources of Serbia”, “Anthropogenic tourist resources of Serbia” and “Concept of sustainable tourism development of Serbia”. From 2006 to 2010 she was engaged in the project “Natural, demographic and economic opportunities for the revitalization of villages in Serbia”, from 2010 in the project “Development programs for the revitalization of villages in Serbia”, and in 2015 participated in the project of bilateral cooperation with the Faculty of Tourism in Portorož.

Independently and in co-authorship, she wrote about 80 scientific and professional papers published in domestic and foreign journals and collections of papers, published one monograph and one textbook. She reviewed six textbooks and manuals, one international monograph, papers for domestic and foreign journals, edited scientific publications, participated in conferences in the country and abroad, was the team leader which made the Visitor Management Plan for Djerdap National Park in 2018. Sanja Pavlović is a mentor of more than 90 final theses, 25 master’s theses. She collaborates with doctoral students in writing dissertations. She  participates in the realization of field classes for students, visits of organizations and institutions relevant to the development of tourism in Belgrade and Serbia.

As an assistant at the Faculty of Geography, she worked from 2001 to 2004, performing exercises in the subject of Tourist Geography. In the school year 2007/08 she taught exercises in the fields of Geography (Tourist Geography in the first and the third year of study) and Tourismology (Introduction to Tourismology, Tourist Geography and Coastal tourism). As a teacher, she is engaged in teaching the subjects of the study program Tourismology: Ethnological Basis of Tourism and Cultural-Historical Heritage and Tourism in the second year of basic studies, Tourist Geography of Serbia, Monumental Heritage and Tourism in Serbia and Manifestation Tourism in the third year, in master studies Trends in cultural tourism, in doctoral studies for the subject Problems and tendencies of modern tourism development.

From October 2012 to October 2018, she was the head of the Department of Tourism at the Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade. He is a member of the Commission for professional exam for a tourist guide (for the subject Tourist Resources) and the Commission for the professional exam for licenses for teachers in secondary schools of tourism.

  1. Павловић, С. (2011). Етнолошке основе туризма (Ethnological Basis of Tourism). Београд: Географски факултет – Универзитет у Београду, стр. 168, ISBN 978-86-82657-87-3, COBISS. SR-ID 179132940, 338.482 : 39
  2.  Anđelković, G., Pavlović, S., Đurđić, S., Belij, M., Stojković, S. (2016). Tourism climate comfort index (TCCI) ‒ an attempt to evaluate the climate comfort for tourism purposes: an example of Serbia. Global NEST Journal, Vol 18, No 3, pp 482‒493, available online23/5/2016, Print Edition ISSN: 1790-7632, Web Edition ISSN: 2241-777X
  3. Pavlović, S., Belij, M., Belij, J., Ilinčić, M., Mihajlović, B. (2016). Negotin wine region, then and now ‒ the role of tourism in revitalizing traditional winemaking. Anthropological Notebooks, Vol 22, No 1, pp 43‒57, ISSN: 1408-032X
  4. Pavlović, S. (2016). Elements of Tourist Destinations − Example of Tourist-recreation Centre in Koštunići. Collection of papers, Faculty of Geography at the University of Belgrade, Vol. 64, 469-480 (verzija na engleskom jeziku), 453-467 (verzija na srpskom jeziku), 338.48-32:502.131.1(497.11), doi:10.5937/zrgfub1664453P, UDC časopisa 911, ISSN 1450-7552, COBISS.SR-ID 61672706
  5. Pavlović, S. (2017). Apartments for Vacation and Recreation in the Function of Tourism of the Protected Natural Resources in Serbia. Tourism in Protected Areas of Nature in Serbia and Slovenia, editors Dejan Filipović, Anton Gosar, Miha Koderman, Snežana Đurđić, pp 73-86, 183 strane monografija, ISBN 978-86-6283-053-1, COBISS.SR-ID 238372876, CIP 338.48-6:502/504(497.11)(082), 338.48-6:502/504(497.4)(082), 502.131.1:338.48(082), book published by University of Belgrade – Faculty of Geography
  6. Ilinčić,  M.,  Pavlović, S. (2017). Asesment of tourism Development in Serbia Using the Travell and Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI). Индустрия туризма и сервиса: известность, имидж, инвестиции: сборник статей по материалам Международной научно-практической конференции. НИУ «БелГУ», 23 ноября 2017 года, Редакционная коллегия: О.К. Слинкова, И.В. Богомазова, Т.Б. Климова, Д.Н. Цыбуля, стр. 53-55, ISBN 978-5-9571-2450-4, УДК 338.48, ББК 65.43
  7. Pavlović, S. (2017). Improvement of Tourist Valorization – Case Study of the Viminacium Archaeological Site. Collection of papers, University of Belgrade ─ Faculty of Geography, 65(1a), 393-406, UDC 338.483.12(497.11), doi: 10.5937/zrgfub1765393P, UDC časopisa 911, ISSN 1450-7552.
  8. Белиј, М., Павловић, С. (2018). Концепт „зеленог туризма” у заштићеним подручјима Србије (The concept of “green tourism” in protected areas of Serbia). Ecologica, Vol 25, No 92, стр. 772-776, UDC: 502.7 (časopis), УДК: 502.48:338.484.001.6(497.11) (научни рад), ISSN: 0354-3285
  9. Jovanović, R., Sanchez, D.C., Pavlović, S.  y  Devedžić, M. (2018). Principios de sostenibilidad en clusters de turismo rural: los casos del Alto y el Bajo Danubio en Serbia. Revista de Geografia Norte Grande. [online], n. 70, pp. 211-233. ISSN 0718-3402.
  10. Pavlović, S., Belij, M., Vesić, M., Stanić Jovanović, S., Manojlović, I. (2020). Improvement of the Relationship between Environment and Tourism: Case Study of the National Park Đerdap in Serbia. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft, 161, 251–270,