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Ph.D. Jelena Stojilković Gnjatović

  /  Ph.D. Jelena Stojilković Gnjatović

Ph.D. Jelena Stojilković Gnjatović

Ph.D. Jelena Stojilković Gnjatović

Phone: +381602244678



Jelena Stojilković Gnjatović was born on August 19, 1985. in Vranje. In 2004, she enrolled in the study of Demography at the Faculty of Geography University in Belgrade, which she completed in 2008 with a grade average of 9.64. In the same year, she continued her education with a master course, which she completed in the following year – 2009. (average grade 10). The topic of her master’s thesis was “Pensioners – a growing population segment”. She defended her doctoral dissertation “Theoretical and methodological re-examination of the phenomenon of demographic aging in Serbia” in 2018. During the school year 2009/2010. and 2010/2011., she was a junior teaching assistant the Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade. She worked at the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA from January 2011 until April 2015 within the project of the Ministry of Education and Science “Geography of Serbia”. After that, she was hired as a teaching assistant at the Faculty of Geography, at the Department of Demography. She was a member of the bilateral project between the Faculty of Geography in Belgrade and the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb, as well as the project Raising Competences in Geronto Services of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy. She led a team that, within the project of training social science researchers in Serbia, developed an indicator of healthy years of life based on the secondary analysis of SILK. She participated in two workshops on population projections organized by UNFPA in Prague in 2014 and 2015. He is a member of the editorial board of the Serbian Journal Gerontology. In her undergraduate studies (2005-2008), she was a scholarship holder of the Ministry of Education. She presented her research insights through numerous scientific

Membership in foreign and domestic associations

The Association of Demographers in Serbia

The Geronotological Association of Serbia

  1. Stojilković Gnjatović, Jelena (2019), Teorijski i konceptualni okvir izučavanja starenja stanovništva. Stanovnistvo, 57 (2), 13-33.
  2.  Lotrič Dolinar, Aleša; Čipin, Ivan; Međimurec, Petra; Stojilković Gnjatović, Jelena; Sambt, Jože (2020), Age- and cause-specific components of recent life expectancy improvements in Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia, Društvena istraživanja: časopis za opća društvena pitanja, 29 (2), 175-193.
  3.  Lukić, Vesna & Stojilković Gnjatović, Jelena (2019). Ageing in Serbia: perceptions and experiences of nursing home residents. Sociološki pregled, 53 (3), 1271-1292.
  4.  Stojilković Gnjatović, Jelena & Sekulić, Ljiljana (2017). Ageing of Baby Boom Generation in Serbia: Past, Present and Future Trends. The Population of the Balkans at the Dawn of the 21st Century (pp. 275-291). Skopje: Institute of economics.
  5.  Stojilkovic Gnjatovic, Jelena & Devedzic, Mirjana. (2016). Certain characteristics of population ageing using a prospective approach: Serbia as a case study. Vienna Yearbook of Population Research, 89-106.
  6.  Stojilković Gnjatović, J., Paunović-Radulović, D., & Mirić, N. (2016). Upotreba podataka iz SILC ankete za izračunavanje zdravih godina života. U knjizi “Sekundarne analize podataka dobijenih kroz istraživanјe Anketa o prihodima i uslovima života (SILC)” Beograd: UNDP, SIPRU.
  7.  Девеџић, М., Стојилковић Гњатовић, Ј. (2015). Демографски профил старог становништва. Београд: Републички завод за статистику.
  8.  Stanojević, G., Stojilković, J., Spalević, A., & Kokotović, V. (2014). The impact of heat waves on daily mortality in Belgrade (Serbia) during summer. Environmental Hazards, 13(4), ISSN: 1747-7891, IF: 0.488, 329-342.
  9.  Stanojević, G., Spalević, A., Kokotović, V., & Stojilković, J. (2014). Does Belgrade (Serbia) need heat health warning system? Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, 23 (5), ISSN: 0965-3562, IF: 0.380, 494 – 507.
  10.  Devedžić, M., & Stojilković, J. (2014). Multi-ethnicity in the Southern border region of Serbia: demographic aspects. In M. Bufon, J. Minghi, & A. Paasi, New European Frontiers: Social and Spatial (Re)Integration Issues in Multicultural and Border Regions (pp. 230-251). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  11.  Stojilković Gnjatović J., & Belij, M. (2014). Active ageing of the active elderly in Serbia – empirical approach, Зборник Матице српске за друштвене науке, 148(3), 643-652.
  12.  Девеџић, М., & Стојилковић, Ј. (2012). Ново поимање старости – проспективна старост, часопис Становништво, 50(1), 45-68.
  13.  Стојилковић, Ј., & Динић, Д. (2012), Демографске и социјалне димензије старења старог становништва, Геронтологија, 2/2012, стр. 61-79
  14.  Стојилковић, Ј. (2011), Пораст броја пензионера и старење становништва у Србији, Зборник радова Географског института “Јован Цвијић”, САНУ, 61(2), 69-84.
  15.  Стојилковић, Ј. (2010), „Baby boom“ генерације на прагу пензионисања, часопис Становништво, 48 (2), 75–91.