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Ph.D. Jelena Luković

  /  Ph.D. Jelena Luković

Ph.D. Jelena Luković

Ph.D. Jelena Luković

Phone: +381112183537



Jelena, Budimir, Luković

Affiliation:             University of Belgrade Faculty of Geography

Address:                Studentski trg 3, 11000 Beograd, Serbia


Web -page:  др-јелена-луковић/


Date of birth:   July 14, 1979

Place of birth:  Belgrade, SERBIA

2014 PhD in Physical Geography

University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography, Serbia

PhD thesis:

Spatial pattern of recent climate change in Serbia

2008 MSc in Geography

University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography, Serbia

MSc thesis:

Temperature change in Serbia based on satellite derived data

2004 BSc in Geography

University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography, Serbia

BSc thesis:

The impact of climate on farming in Pešter Plateau, Serbia 



June 2019-present: Associate Professor, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography, Serbia.

June 2014-May 2018: Assistant Professor, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography, Serbia

June 2011-May 2014: Senior Teaching Assistant, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography, Serbia

April 2008-May 2011: Junior Teaching Assistant, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography, Serbia

March 2005-March 2008: Researcher, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography, Serbia


Climate change, Hydroclimate seasonality changes, Understanding of mechanism of rainfall changes.


2016-present: Climate change (Geography department, graduate course)

2016: Climatology (Geography department, graduate course)

2014-present: Applied climatology (Spatial planning department, graduate course)            

As a professor Dr. Luković understands education as never ending process. During her career, she was deeply involved in teaching as well as design and implementation of new courses at the Faculty of Geography University of Belgrade. She had a rare opportunity to attend some of the research related courses at the leading universities such as University of California Berkeley and got inspired by different school of thought and various teaching methodologies and approaches.


2021-2022:      U.S. Federal Assistance Award – Individual: Use of IoT sensing in high schools for addressing the air pollution in Serbia (PI), US$: 24,475.

2015-2016:      Fulbright Visiting Scholar Fellow (PI), US$: 20.845


Member of Editorial board of Bulletin of the Serbian Geographical Society (2015-present)


National representative to the International Geographical Union-IGU (2015-present)

Academic chair on Climate at the Circle U Alliance (2021-present)


2018:  Chair of the MedCLIVAR 2018 conference  “Bridging the Mediterranean Climates”, Belgrade, Serbia.

2015: Organizing Committee member of GEOMLA workshop and conference on Geostatistics and Machine Learning

Applications in Climate and Environmental Sciences, Belgrade.


2019:   ICTP Summer School on Theory, Mechanisms and Hierarchical Modelling of Climate Dynamics, Trieste.

2016:   School on Data Assimilation and Data Analysis Methods, Lecce.

INVITED TALKS (selected)

February 2022    The impact of climate change on aviation, CE257, UC Berkeley.

August, 2022      Climate change Impacts, Circle U Summer School “Communicating Climate Science”, Berlin.

May 2022           Climate change and its effects on the Western Balkans” National Defense Academy, Vienna.

February 2021    The first climate model-Milankovitch Hypothesis, CE257, UC Berkeley.



  • Luković J, Chiang J, Blagojević D, Sekulić (2023) Changing climate seasonality in California, Berkeley Atmospheric Center (BASC), 23-24 February, Berkeley, USA; (poster)
  • Rakas J, Luković J (2022) “Impact of Climate Change on Runway Length in the US”, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Abstract ID1201634, 12-16 December, Chicago, USA; (poster)
  • Jelena Luković, John Chiang “Changes in the onset of the rainy season in California” AGU 2021, 9-13 December 2021, San Francisco, California; (oral talk)
  • Luković J, Chiang J (2019) “Changes in the onset of the rainy season in California”, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Abstract 537871, 9-13 December, San Francisco, USA; (oral talk)
  • Jelena Luković, John Chiang “Seasonal shifts in the Mediterranean type climates” EGU 2018, 8-13 April 2018, Vienna, Austria. (oral talk)


Nature Communications

Regional Environmental Change

Theoretical and Applied Climatology

Bulletin of the Serbian Geographical Society

METRICS (Google scholar)

Citations                      650

h-Index                       12

i10-Index                    16

Awards and honours

Стипендиста Фонда Краљевског Дома Карађорђевића (2002), Фондације “Студеница”- Конгреса српског уједињења (2004), Града Београда (2004), Амбасаде Краљевине Норвешке у Београду (2004) и. Министарства науке и заштите животне средине ( 2005).

Membership in foreign and domestic associations

  • Serbian Geographical Society, member
  • American Geophysical Union, member
  • International Geographical Union, national representative


  • Luković J, Chiang J, Blagojević D, Sekulić (2021). A later onset of the rainy season in California. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2020GL090350. https://doi. org/10.1029/2020GL090350
  • Rakas J, Lukovic J: DOT/FAA/TC-21/41 Future Climate Scenarios for Runway Length: Assessment of Wet/Dry Runway Surface Conditions With Observational Precipitation Data, December 2021, Final Report;
  • Cvijanovic I, Lukovic, J, Begg JD. (2020) “One hundred years of Milanković cycles”. Nature Geosciences 13, 524–525 (2020).
  • Kutiel H, Luković J (2020) Various aspects of dryness in Serbia, Bulletin of the Serbian geographical society, 100/1, 23-30,;
  • Burić D, Dragojlović J, Penjišević-Sočanac I, Luković J, Doderović M. (2019) “Relationship Between Atmospheric Circulation and Temperature Extremes in Montenegro in the Period 1951–2010”. In: Leal Filho, W., Trbic, G., Filipovic, D. (eds) Climate Change Adaptation in Eastern Europe. Climate Change Management. Springer, Cham.;
  • Kutiel H, Luković J (2020) Various aspects of dryness in Serbia, Bulletin of the Serbian geographical society, 100/1, 23-30,;
  • Luković J, Bajat B, Blagojević D, Kilibarda M (2015). Spatial pattern of North Atlantic Oscillation impact on rainfall in Serbia, Spatial Statistics, 14, 39-52.
  • Kilibarda M, Perčec Tadić M, Hengl T, Luković J, Bajat  B (2015). Representation and usability of global temperature data for spatio-temporal interpolation, Spatial Statistics, 14, 22-38.
  • Kutiel H, Luković J, Burić D (2015) Spatial and temporal variability of rain-spells characteristics in Serbia and Montenegro, International Journal of Climatology, 35 (7), 1611-1624.
  • Buric D, Luković J, Bajat B, Kilibarda M, Živković N (2015) Recent trends in daily rainfall extremes over Montenegro (1951-2010), Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 15 (9) 2069-2077.
  • Živković N, Dragićević S, Ristić R, Novković I, Djurdjić S, Luković J, Živković Lj, Jovanović S. (2015) Effects of vegetation on runoff in small river basins in Serbia, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 24 (6), 2082-2089.
  • Luković J, Bajat B, Kilibarda M, Filipović D (2015) High Resolution Grid of Potential Incoming Solar Radiation for Serbia, Thermal Science, 19, S427-S435.
  • Luković J, Bajat B, Blagojević D, Kilibarda M (2014). Spatial pattern of rainfall trend in Serbia. Regional Environmental Change, 14(5), 1789-1799.
  • Bajat B, Blagojević D, Kilibarda M, Luković J, Tošić I (2014).Spatial analysis of the temperature trends in Serbia during the period 1961–2010. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 117(0), 1-13.
  • Burić D, Luković J, Ducić V, Dragojlovic J, Doderovic M (2014). Recent trends in daily temperature extremes over southern Montenegro (1951-2010). Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 14, 67-72.
  • Ducić V, Luković J, Burić D, Stanojević G, Mustafić S (2012). Precipitation extremes in the wettest Mediterranean region (Krivošije) and associated atmospheric circulation types, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 12, 687-697.
  • Bajat B, Pejović M, Luković J, Manojlović P, Ducić V, Mustafić S (2012). Mapping average annual precipitation in Serbia (1961–1990) by using Regression Kriging. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 112, 1–13.
  • Ducić V, Luković J, Milenković M, Ćurčić N (2012). North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and insect damage in Serbian forests, Archive of Biological Science, Belgrade, 64 (1), 215-219.
  • Pandžić J, Bajat B, Luković J (2013) Mapping probabilities of precipitation occurrence on the territory of the Republic of Serbia by the method of indicator kriging. Bulletin of the Serbian Geographical Society, 92:23-40.
  • Pejović M, Bajat B, Luković J (2012). Spatial distribution of interpolation uncertainty: case study of isotherm map of Serbia (1991-2009). Bulletin of the Serbian Geographical Society. 92(4), 31-50.
  • Burić D, Stanojević G, Luković Ј, Gavrilović Lj, Živković N. (2012). Climate change and river discharge: case study Kolubara River, Beli brod hydrological gauge. Bulletin of the Serbian Geographical Society, XCII(1), 123-134.
  • Dicić V, Burić D, Luković Ј, Stanojević G (2011). The changes of precipitation in Podgorica for period 1951-2010. Bulletin of the Serbian Geographical Society, 91(2), 51-70.
  • Ducić V, Luković Ј, Stanojević G (2010). Atmospheric circulation and the precipitation variability in Serbia for period 1949-2004. Bulletin of the Serbian Geographical Society, XC (2), 85-107.
  • Manojlović P, Nikolić M, Mustafić S, Luković Ј (2010). Seasonal variability of Crvena river water mineralization. Bulletin of the Serbian Geographical Society, vol. XC (4), 9-21.
  • Luković Ј, Manojlović P, Mustafić S. (2010) Temperature changes on the Earth and in Serbia and North Atlantic oscillation (NAO). Bulletin of the Serbian Geographical Society, vol. XC (1), 123-133.
  • Ducić V, Luković Ј (2009). Possible causes of contemporary Nisava River discharge variability. Bulletin of the Serbian Geographical Society, LXXXIX(4), 255-276.
  • Luković J,  Manojlović P, Mustafić S (2009). Temperature changes in Serbia and worldwide according to satellite data. Bulletin of the Serbian Geographical Society, LXXXIX (3), 177-189.
  • Ducić V, Savić S, Luković J (2008). Contemporary temperature change in Vojvodina, according to observations and satellite data, Geographica Pannonica, vol. 12/1, Faculty of Natural Sciences Novi Sad, Department of Tourism, geography and hospitality.
  • Ducic V, Lukovic J, Nikolova N (2007). Possible connection between Danube river discharge variability and solar activity. Bulletin of the Serbian Geographical Society, vol LXXXVII (1), 31-38.
  • Ducić V, Trbić G, Luković J (2006). Possible volcanic impact on temperature changes in Republic of Srpska based on satellite data. Bulletin of Geographical Society of Republic of Srpska, vol 11, Banja Luka, 112-124.


[1] Burić D, Ducić V, Luković J (2011) Climate change in Montenegro in second half of XX century,  Montenegrin Academy of Art and Science, Podgorica, pp. 272

[2] Luković J (2018) Geography Textbook for Primary School, Freska, Belgrade, pp. 1-155.