Goran Anđelković was born in 1971 in Smederevska Palanka. He graduated in geography in 1997 at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Geography, with a graduate thesis: “Political Geography of the European Union”. He defended his master’s thesis entitled “Influence of anthropogenic heat sources on the climate of Belgrade” in 2002 at the Faculty of Geography in Belgrade. He defended his doctoral dissertation entitled “Extreme climatic phenomena in Serbia” in 2010
Goran Anđelković has been employed at the Faculty of Geography since October 1, 1998 first as assistant, then as assistant professor (2011), and then as associate professor (2016) for the scientific field of physical geography (climatology).
Goran Anđelković, PhD, deals with climatology and general physical geography. He determined the intensity of the urban heat island of Belgrade, its structure and dynamics. He defined extreme climatic phenomen in Serbia and performed their classification and quantitative identification. He determined the formula of the tourist index of climate comfort.
Membership in foreign and domestic associations
Serbian Geographical Society