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Damjan Bakić

  /  Damjan Bakić

Damjan Bakić

Damjan Bakić

Телефон: +381112637421

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Damjan Bakić was born on October 6 1993 in Belgrade. He finished elementary school and high school in the field of natural sciences and mathematics in Arandjelovac. He enrolled in the undergraduate studies of demography at the Faculty of Geography of the University of Belgrade in 2012/2013 and finished it in 2016. with an average grade of 9.50.  Under the mentorship of professor Mirjana Devedžić, Ph.D., he defended the graduate thesis entitled “Disproportions in the educational structure of the population of the Republic of Serbia – Historical-demographic perspective”. He enrolled in the Master’s studies in the field of Demography at the Faculty of Geography in the same year and completed it within the stipulated time with an average grade of 10.00. The topic of the master’s thesis he defended in September 2017 was “Educational cycle of three generations”. He enrolled in doctoral studies at the Faculty of Geography in 2017, and the topic of his doctoral dissertation “Reconstruction of demographic trends during the 15th and 16th centuries in Rudnik and Užice nahiyas” was accepted in December 2021 by the Council of Scientific Fields of Social and Human Sciences of the University in Belgrade. Dissertation mentor is profеssor Gordana Vojković, Ph.D.

During his undergraduate and master’s studies, in collaboration with other colleagues, he founded a student organization –  The Student Association of the Population Sciences.  In addition to extracurricular activities into promoting science and the study program, during September and October 2016 he participated in the student exchange program with Belgorod State University from Russia. During 2017 and 2018, he took part in the work of summer schools on migration organized by “Group 484”.

From 2016/2017 by the decision of the Teaching-Scientific Council of the Faculty of Geography, he was elected as a demonstrator in undergraduate studies within the Department of Demography and engaged in exercises on five teaching courses. From March 2018 to June 2021, he was engaged in the project of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development “Research of demographic phenomena in the function of public policies in Serbia” (III 47006).

Награде и признања

  • Scholarship of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development – student scholarship (2013–2017)
  • Award for the best graduate thesis on the study group of demography (2016)
  • Award for the best master thesis on the study group of demography (2017)
  • Scholarship of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development – scholarship for doctoral students (2018–2022)

Чланство у иностраним и домаћим асоцијацијама

  • Association of Demographers of Serbia
  • Association for Young Historical Demographers (AYHD)