
Ph.D. Dejan Šabić

Ph.D. Dejan Šabić
Phone: +381112637421
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Dejan Šabić, PhD, is an full professor in regional geography as well as regional development, globalization, and integration processes at the Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade, Serbia. The scientific work of Dejan Šabić synthesizes empirical research literature with combinations of regional development, social and urban problems, social movements, cultural geography, sociology of culture, and political processes, whose work focused upon the concepts of landscape and representations. He is a proponent of the regional geography which encouraged a focus upon the complex interconnections between the many different aspects of regions and the world. His work included how real visual images shape geographical imaginations and in connection between regional and cultural geography as a formal disciplines, imaginative expressions of geographical knowledge and experience in the society. He conceived the idea of genre de vie, which is the belief that the lifestyle of a particular region reflects the economic, social, ideological, cultural and psychological identities imprinted on the landscape. Through the course of Regional Geography at the Faculty of Geography in Belgrade, and through discussions with other geographers, Šabić managed to attract many other scholars to these fields. Already 2012 Faculty of Geography in Belgrade organized the session on regional geography and regional development at the Regional Conference – Contemporary Geography: Changes and Challenges n Kopaonik (Serbia). Within his research, Šabić differentiated between dominant identity in the region and alternative identities and cultures, what includes emergent cultures (those that are just now appearing as a consequence of the different type of migrations). He was involved in several research projects receiving international funding. He is the author of 95 papers in international journals with peer review and has presented his research at more than 25 international conferences. Šabić worked quickly to make regional geography widely recognized in Serbia, publishing four important university books: Global and Regional Development of European Union (2007, with M. Pavlović), Regional Geography of the World (2008), Regional Geography of Australia (2011, with S. Vujadinović), Regional Geography of South America (2011, with S. Vujadinović) and Regional Geography of Europe (2014, with S. Vujadinović). In 2010 he became a member of the editorial board of a journal Collection of the Papers of the Faculty of Geography, reviewer in a several international journals, editor and chief at the publishing house Novi Logos in Belgrade. Šabić was the vice dean for education and science at the Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade (2005-2012). Since 2012 Šabić manages the Department for Regional Geography at the Institute of Geography, Faculty of Geography in Belgrade. Šabić is currently supervising three Ph.D. students in the field of regional geography and regional development. In Who is Who in Serbia was given his personal biography (2013).
- Шабић, Д. и Павловић, М. (2007). ‛Глобални и регионални развој Европске уније’ (Global and Regional Development of European Union), Универзитетски уџбеник, Географски факултет у Београду, Београд, 1–301.
- Шабић, Д. (2008). ‛Регионална географија света’ (Regional Geography of the World), Универзитетски уџбеник, Географски факултет у Београду, Београд, 1–345.
- Вујадиновић, С. и Шабић, Д. (2011). ‛Регионална географија Јужне Америке’ (Regional Geography of South America), Универзитетски уџбеник, Српско географско друштво, Београд, 1–361.
- Шабић, Д. и Вујадиновић, С. (2011). ‛Регионална географија Аустралије’ (Regional Geography of Australia), Универзитетски уџбеник, Српско географско друштво, Београд, 1–250.
- Шабић, Д., Вујадиновић, С., Гајић, М. и Милинчић, М. (2012). ‛Панчевачки рит – географске промене и последице трансформације мочварног у агрикултурни предео’ (Pančevački Rit – Geographical Changes and Consequnces Related to Transformation of Wetland into Agricultural Landscape), Научна монографија, Српско географско друштво, Београд, 1–266.
- Гајић, М., Вујадиновић, С., Шабић, Д. и Милинчић, М. (2012). ‛Јадар – географске промене, регионална диференцијација и перспективе’ (Jadar – Geographical Changes, Regional Diferentiation and Perspectives), Научна монографија, Српско географско друштво, Београд, 1–351.
- Вујадиновић, С., Шабић, Д., Гајић, М. и Милинчић, М. (2013). ‛Левач – развојни потенцијали и ограничења’ (Levač – Development Potentials and Limitations), Научна монографија, Српско географско друштво, Београд, 1–240.
- Шабић, Д., Вујадиновић, С. и Милинчић, М. (2012). ‛Уџбеник географије за 7. разред основне школе’ (Geography for Primary School – 7), прво издање, У Шабић, Д. (ур.), Нови Логос, Београд, 1–234.
- Вујадиновић, С. и Шабић, Д. (2014). Уџбеник географије за 2. разред гимназије’ (Geography for High School – 2), прво издање, У Шабић, Д. (ур.), Нови Логос, Београд, 1–246.
- Šabić, D., Knežević, A., Vujadinović, S., Golić, R., Milinčić, M. and Joksimović, M. (2013). ‛Belgrade Slums – Life or Survival on the Margins of Serbian Society?’, Trames 17(67/62), 1: 55–86, WOS:000316314400003.
- Vujadinović, S., Šabić, D., Joksimović, M., Golić, R., Živković, Lj. and Gatarić, D. (2013). ‛Asylum Seekers from Serbia and Problems of Returnees: Why Is Serbia in the World Top in the Number of Asylum Seekers?’, Dve domovini – Two Homelands 37, 53–68, WOS:000319631500004.
- Šabić, D., Miljković, O., Vujadinović, S., Milinčić, M. and Gajić, M. (2013). ‛Geo-ecological Transformation of Wetland into Agricultural Landscape: The Case of Pančevački Rit, Serbia’, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 14(2): 517–523.
- Milinčić, M., Vujadinović, S., Ćurčić, N. and Šabić, D. (2013). ‛Effects of Geo–ecological Factors on Vegetation of the Gruža Basin, Serbia’, Archives of Biological Science 65(1): 121–132, WOS:000312046300016.
- Vujadinović, S., Šabić, D., Joksimović, M., Golić, R., Gajić, M., Živković, Lj. and Milinčić, M. (2013). ‛Possibilities for Mountain-based Adventure Tourism: the Case of Serbia?’, Bulletin of Geography: Socio–economic Series (19): 99–111, DOI:10.2478/bog-2013-0007.
- Milinčić, M., Mihajlović, B., Šabić, D. and Ćurčić, N. (2012). ‛Mountain Border Area of Eastern Serbia in the Function of the Spring Zones of Surface Water’, J. Geogr. Inst. Cvijić 62(1): 11–29, DOI:10.2298/IJGI1201011M.
- Šabić, D., Vujadinović, S., Milinčić, M., Golić, R., Stojković, S., Joksimović, M., Filipović, D., Šećerov, V. and Dimitrijević, D. (2012). ‛The Impact of FDI on the Transitional Economy in Serbia – Changes and Challenges’, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 9(3): 65–84, WOS:000306871700004.
- Stanković, S., Zlatković, S., Šabić, D., Milinčić, M., Vujadinović, S. and Knežević–Vukčević, J. (2012). ‛Geographical and Biological Analisys of the Water Quality of Moravica Spring in the Sokobanjska Moravica Drainage Basin, Serbia’, Archives of Biological Science 64(1): 59–64, WOS:000303697400007.
- Belić, I., Radosavljević, Lj., Milinčić, M. and Šabić, D. (2012). ‛Laser System for Remote Sensing Monitoring of Air Pollution and Quality Control of the Atmosphere’, Thermal Science 16(4): 1201–1211, WOS:000311917000022.
- Vujadinović, S., Šabić, D., Stojković, S. and Milinčić, M. (2011). ‛Years of Refugee Life in Serbia – Challenges for a New Beginning: Stay or Return Home?’ Trames 15(65/60), 3: 235–258, WOS:000295776500002.
- Djurdjić, S., Stojković, S. and Šabić, D. (2011). ‛Nature Conservation in Urban Conditions: A Case Study from Belgrade, Serbia’, Maeyo – International Journal of Science and Technology 5(01): 129–145, WOS:000295583900008.
- Pecelj, M., Mandić, D., Pecelj, J., Vujadinović, S., Šećerov, V., Šabić, D., Gajić, M. and Milinčić, M. (2011). ‛Bioclimatic Assessment of Weather Condition for Recreation in Health Resorts’, In Mastorakis, N. et al. (eds.): Proceedings on Cellular and Molecular Biology Biophysics and Bioengineering (Book series), Intern. Conf. on Bioscience and Bioinformatics, Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society, Athens, 211–214, WOS:000300024800040.
- Zlatković, S., Šabić, D., Milinčić, M., Knežević–Vukčević, J. and Stanković, S. (2010). ‛Geographical and Biological Analysis of the Water Quality in Bovan Lake, Serbia’, Archives of Biological Science 62(4): 1083–1087, WOS:000287217500026.
- Šabić, D. et al. (2010). ‛Geoecological Importance of Wetlands Transformation into Agricultural Landscape: Example of Pančevački Rit in Serbia’, In Mastorakis, N. et al. (eds.): Proceedings on Cellular and Molecular Biology, Biophysics and Bioengineering (Book series), Intern. Conf. on Bioscience and Bioinformatics, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society, Athens, 202–205, WOS:000300024800038.
- Djurdjić, S., Stojković, S., Trkulja, S. and Šabić, D. (2010). ‛Nature Protection as a Form of Cross – Border Cooperation Between Serbia and Neighboring Countries: State and Development Perspectives’, Geographica Timisiensis 19(1): 341–351.
- Pecelj, M., Mandić, D., Pecelj, J., Lukić, B. and Šabić, D. (2010). ‛Informational Technology in Bioclimate Analysis of Višegrad for Health Spa Tourism’, In Dondon, P. and Martin, O. (eds.): Mathematics and Computers in Science and Engineering (Book series), Intern. Conf. on Education and Educational Technologies, Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society, Athens, 211–214, WOS:000299968900062.
- Pecelj, M., Milinčić, M., Mandić, D., Šabić, D., Pecelj, J. and Lukić, B. (2010). ‛New Technologies in Transforming Natural Hazards to Hydro–Technical Object’, In Dondon, P. and Martin, O. (eds.): Mathematics and Computers in Science and Engineering (Book series), Intern. Conf. on Education and Educational Technologies, Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society, Athens, 378–381, WOS:000299968900072.
- Šabić, D., Pavlović, M. and Davidović, R. (2009). ‛Serbia and Integration Processes in the Balkans’, Geographica Pannonica 13(1): 15–20.
- Šabić, D. and Mihailov, V. (2006). ‛Development of Bulgarian and Serbian Geography Schools – Comparative Analysis’, In Slaveykov, P. (ed.): Global Changes and Regional Challenges, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Faculty of Geology and Geography, Sofia, Bulgaria, 323–326.
- Šabić, D. and Pavlović, M. (2006). ‛Nаtural Resources as a Base of Sustainable Development of the Settlements in the Raška Region’, У Зиков, М., Василески, Д. и Маркоски, Б. (ур.): Руралниот простор во новите развојни услови – Rural Areas in the Modern Development Conditions, Универзитет Св. Климент Охридски, Охрид, 623–630.
- Šabić, D. and Pavlović, M. (2005). ‛Geographic Position of Serbia, Traffic Corridors and the Integration Processes in the Balkans’, In Andersson, A. E. (ed.): Regions in Competition and Cooperation, University of Trollhättan/Uddevalla and University College of Östfold, Norway, 719–728.
- Đurđić, S., Smiljanić, S. and Šabić, D. (2004). ‛Nature Protection as an Integrative Factor of Sustainable Development and International Cooperation’, In Henkel, R. (ed.): South Eastern European Countries on Their Way to Europe – Geographical Aspects, Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, Leibniz Institut für Länderkunde, Leipzig, (DVD).
- Šabić, D. and Pavlović, M. (2004). ‛Tourism as a Component of Regional Development of Novi Pazar Commune’, Geographica Timisiensis 13(1): 145–150.
- Šabić, D. and Pavlović, M. (2003). ‛ Raška Region’s Spas in Context of Regional Integration Processes of SEE’, In Cretan, R. and Ardelean, M. (eds.): The Reconsideration of the Geographic Approach in the Context of Globalization, West University of Timisoara, Faculty of Chemistry, Biology and Geography, Department of Geography, Timişoara, 587–592.
- Šabić, D., Pavlović, M., Gajić, M. and Vujadinović, S. (2003). ‛Influence of Geographical and Historical Factors on Educational Population Structure Changes of Serbia’, reprint, In Cretan, R. and Ardelean, M. (eds.): The Reconsideration of the Geographic Approach in the Context of Globalization, West University of Timisoara, Faculty of Chemistry, Biology and Geography, Department of Geography, Timişoara, 415–424.
- Šabić, D. and Pavlović, M. (2002). ‛Influence of Geographical and Historical Factors on Educational Population Structure Changes of Serbia’, Geographica Timisiensis 11(1): 89–94.
- Šabić, D. (2002). ‛Geographic Basis of Tourist Development of Old Raška Region’, У Крастев, T. (ур.): Геополитика, регионално развитие, географско образование, Шуменски универзитет Епископ Константин Преславски, Географски институт на БАН, Софийски универзитет Св. Климент Охридски, София, 177–186.
- Đurđić, S. and Šabić, D. (2001). ‛Tourism as a Component of Functional Nature’s Protection’, In The 3th International Conference, Multiplicative effects in tourism development, University St. Kliment Ohridski, Faculty of tourism and hospitality, Ohrid, 125–132, (DVD).