Ph.D. Danica Šantić

Ph.D. Danica Šantić
Phone: +381641375198
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Danica ŠANTIĆ is Associate Professor at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Geography, Serbia with strong interests in migration topics. She obtain her MA considering internal migration flows toward capital city of Belgrade. The PHD was related to spatial aspects of population phenomena through distribution characteristics, forms of spatial structures, connections and relationships between demographic elements, and other spatial systems as dynamic and temporally variable categories. In order to determine the desirable rate of population growth and optimal density for the overall development of important qualitative (structural) characteristics of the population, she applied in her reasearch quantitative methods, measures and tehniques. Her research projects have focused on the Balkan migration route and migration flows in and from Serbia.
She has published more than 60 papers in national and international scientific journals and one book. She freqently participate in seminars and scientific conferences in Serbia and EU. She is a member of demographic and geographical societies in Serbia and abroad. She is one of the founders of Migration, Inter-Connectivity and Regional Development (MICaRD) network, member of the Executive board of WB MIGNET, Regional Studies Association (RSA) territorial representative, World Social Science Fellow, expert in migration in project Prague Process (ICMPD) and Fellow of European Center for International Affairs (ECIA).
Danica Santic participated in the third International Social Science Council’s (ISSC) Programme of World Social Science Fellows Seminars on the theme of ’’Global Social Governance: Developing international social science research and impacting the policy process’’, from 29 July to 2 August 2014, in London, hosted by Academy’s International Advisory Group. She was one of the organizers of the special session in WSSF FORUM 2015 in Durban ’’Will Good Governance Bring Sustainable and Equitable Development? Perspectives from the South’’. Also one of the organizers of special session at Regional Studies Association (RSA) Annual Conference in Graz 2016. with title ’’Chalenges of Regional development and EU Integration in SEE’’
Danica Santic organized the regional panel discussion about WB migration route in November 2015, seminar on current migration situation on International Migrants Day (18th Dec 2016), and participate in many seminars in Serbia and EU considering recent migration crisses. In September 2016. she organized International Scientific Coneference ’’Contemporary migration in a changing world: new perspective and challenges’’. The Conference was a part of Migration, Interconectivity and Regional Development (MICaRD) network supported by Regional Studies Association (RSA) and University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography. The Conference was also supported by all relevant Governmental organizations who are dealing with migration issues in Serbia and abroad (Serbian Academy of Science and Arts, Ministry of Internal, Ministry of Labour, Serbian Geographic Society, Comesariat for Migration and Refugees etc) and international organizations (International Organization for Migration – IOM).
She gave a lectures about main population characteristics of Serbia to the student of master studies of La Sapineza in Belgrade (2013-2015). She gave the lecture about migration in EU and Balkan to the students of University of Clemson, South Carolina, in Belgrade at the Faculty of Political Science and students from University of Lund, Sweeden at Faculty of Geography(April 2016 and February 2017). She gave a lecture about Serbian diaspora at the University of Toronto (Oct 2017) and about Balkan migration route at the University of Bamberg (Dec 2017)
Key words: migration, demography, sustainable development, spatial distribution of population
Web link: http://www.gef.bg.ac.rs/nastavnici-i-saradnici/danica-santic/
2006. MA Degree University of Belgrade – Faculty of Geography
2013. PhD University of Belgrade – Faculty of Geography
- Geographical basis of Serbia development’’ (1380), (2001-2005)
- ”Geographic patterns of spatial and functional organization of the Republic of Serbia (146010) (2006-2010)
- ”Problems and tendencies of development of geospatial systems in the Republic of Serbia (176017) (2011-2015)
- ”Strukturwandel und Regionalentwicklung in Serbien zwischen, Transformationsphänomenen und Globalisierungseffekten” (2010-2011) DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst) and Faculty of Geography, Department of Human Geography
- ”Creative industry” (2013) DAAD DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst) and Faculty of Geography, Department of Human Geography
- Project of Support the integrating of migration into the academic curricula: curriculum development for the master program “Migration Studies” (IOM, 2015-2016)
- ”Migration, Inter-Connectivity and Regional Development” (MICaRD) (2015-2018), Regional Study Assosiation’’ (RSA), University of Belgrade – Faculty of Geography, University of Linkoln, UK, Ruth McAreavey, Queen’s University Belfast, UK
- WB-MIGNET, Reasearch Network about migration in Western Balkans (2016- )
- The Geographies of the Camp in Europe- with Claudio Minca, University of Wegeningen (The Netherlands) and Dragan Umek, University of Trieste
- Minca, C., Santić, D., & Umek, D. (2019) Mapping the camp archipelago: Custody, care and mobility in Serbian refugee camps. In I. Katz, D. Martin, & C. Minca (Eds.), Camp Geographies Today (pp. 221–240),Boulder: Co, Rowman & Littelfield. Forthcoming
- Umek D., Minca C., Santic D (2019) The Refugee Camp as Geopolitics: The Case of Preševo (Serbia), Mediteranen mobilities, Springer, Forthcoming
- Šantić, Danica, Minca, Claudio, Umek, Dragan. 2017. Tha Balkan Migration Route. Reflections from the Serbian Observatory. in: Bobić, Mirjana and Janković, Stefan (eds.) Towards Understanding of Contemporary Migration. Causes, Consequences, Policies, Reflection. Belgrade: Institute for sociological research Faculty of Philosophy, pp 221-239
- Manojlovic, S, Antic M, Santic D, Sibinovic M, Carevic I, Srejic T (2018). Anthropogenic Impact on Erosion Intensity: Case Study of Rural Areas of Pirot and Dimitrovgrad Municipalities, Serbia, Sustainability, MDPI.
- Antic M., Santic D., Kasanin Grubin M., Malic A., (2017) Sustainable Rural Development in Serbia – Relationship Between Population Dynamicss and Environment, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND ECOLOGY, (2017), vol. 18 br. 1, str. 323-331
- Santic D., Antic M., Ratkaj I., Budovic A. (2017) Migration and Demographic Shrinkage in Rural Areas in Serbia, Regions Magazine 305(1):9-11
- 7. Spasovski M., Šantić D. (2016) Population Mobility as a Determinant of Development and Spatial Distribution of Population in Serbia in the Last Fifty Years, The Bulletin of Institute of Ethnography SASA, DOI: 10.2298/GEI151019006S; UDC: 314.7(497.11)”195/20, pp. 453-467
- Šantić D., Kozlovs M., Martinović M. (2016) Migrant Remittances in Serbia, a New Approach, Collection of paper of the 4th International Congres: ‘’Migration in XXI century, Causes and Consequences’’, Vol. 2, Brčko, BiH, pp 37-50
- Šantić D. (2015) Global Challenges of Contemporary Migration, Collection of paper:4 th Congress of Serbian Geographers, Achievements, Actualities and Challenges, On the Occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Jovan Cvijic, University of Belgrade-Faculty of Geography, Serbian Geographical Society, Belgrade. Pp 351-356
- 10. Šantić D., Martinović M.(2015) Labour migration from Serbia to EU – trends and perspectives, Proceedings Global Growth Agendas: Regions, Institutions and Sustainability, RSA Congres, Piacenza.
- Spasovski M., Šantić D. (2014). Spatial distribution of migrants in Serbia at the beggining of XXI century, All about Census 2011., The final Conference, 3rd Session, http://popis2011.stat.rs/?page_id=2517
- Šantić D. (2014). Spatial concentration of population in Serbia 1981-2011. Measured with Hoover index of Concentration, Maticа srpskа Journal of Social Science no. 2, Novi Sad, pp: 461-470
- Göler, D., Martinović, M., Ratkaj, I., und Šantić, D. (2012). Informelles Wohnen als Routine? Multiple urbane Transformationen in der Agglomeration Belgrad: Das Beispiel Kaluđerica. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft, 154, pp. 212-234