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Maja Bogdanović

  /  Maja Bogdanović

Maja Bogdanović

Maja Bogdanović

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Maja Bogdanović was born on August 1, 1997 in Belgrade. She completed elementary school in 2012, and the School for Tourism and Hospitality, majoring in Tourism Technician, in Belgrade in 2016. In 2016, after graduating from high school, she enrolled in the Faculty of Geography, majoring in Tourism. During her studies, she received a scholarship from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. She successfully completed her basic academic studies in February 2021, with an average grade of 9.30. In March of the same year, she defended her thesis, “Tourism Potential of the Settlements of the City of Vranje” under the mentorship of Prof. Dr. Dragica Gatarić with a grade of 10.00, thereby earning the title of Bachelor of Tourism. In October 2021, she enrolled in master’s studies at the Faculty of Geography, Department of Tourism. In July 2022, she completed her master’s studies with an average grade of 10.00. In September of the same year, she defended her master’s thesis entitled “The Role and Importance of the Global Hotel Chain Hyatt in the International Tourism Market and in the Tourism Offer of Belgrade” under the mentorship of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marina Vesić with a grade of 10.00, thus earning the title of Master of Tourism. In the 2022/23 academic year, she enrolled in doctoral academic studies in the Geosciences Department. In May 2023, she acquired the status of a Scholarship Holder of the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation, when she was included in the work of an accredited scientific research organization, the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Geography. In the 2023/24 school year, as a demonstrator, she held exercises in the subject Hotel Industry, and in the 2024/25 school year, exercises in the subject Introduction to Tourism. She participated in the promotional activities of the Faculty of Geography, as well as in the organization of the Scientific Conference with international participation “Tradition and Transformation of Tourism as a Spatial Phenomenon”, which took place from November 3 to 4, 2022. Her bibliographic work consists of 10 scientific papers. She participated in several domestic and international conferences where she presented her papers. She has been a member of the Serbian Geographical Society since 2024.

In March 2024, she enrolled in a two-month course in Statistical Data Processing – SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) and thus acquired the appropriate knowledge for the application of the program in scientific work. From 5 to 15 July 2024, she was part of the CEEPUS intensive program “Sustainable Synergies: Bridging Tourism and Agriculture through Supply Chains and Logistics – summer school” in Celje, Slovenia. During her stay, she received a certificate of participation in the Multiplier Event for the Presentation of the BAS4SC Project, held on 9 July 2024 at the Faculty of Logistics, University of Maribor.

In her work, she uses an advanced level of English. In her work on the computer, she uses the MS Office software package (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), as well as the Canva platform.

Награде и признања

During her undergraduate studies, she received a scholarship from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development.

For her master’s thesis, she received the Award for the Best Master’s Thesis – Tourism Department in June 2023.

In May 2023, she acquired the status of a Scholarship Holder of the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation, when she was included in the work of an accredited scientific research organization, the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Geography.

Чланство у иностраним и домаћим асоцијацијама

Member of Serbian Geographical Society (2024.)

Bogdanović, M. & Blagajac, I. (2024). Decentralization of the urban tourist zone of Zlatibor. Proceedings of the 31st Proceedings of the 31st International conference “Ecological Truth & Environmental Research – EcoTER’24”, Sokobanja, 18-21. June 2024. (pp. 613-620). Bor: University of Belgrade, Technical faculty in Bor. ISBN 978-86-6305-152-2


Vesić, M. & Bogdanović, M. (2023). Ecotourism on salaš farms in Vojvodina as a green economic activity. Book of Abstracts of the International scientific conference “Green economy in the function of solving global environmental problems”, Belgrade, 20-22. april 2023. (pp. 53). Beograd: Naučno-stručno društvo za zaštitu životne sredine Srbije – Ecologica. ISBN 978-86-89061-17-8

Bogdanović, M. & Đukić, M. (2023). Eko katuni – održivi turizam ili kreativna destrukcija? Ekološka održivost i klimatske promjene: naučna monografija, Žabljak, 14-15. septembar 2023. (str. 576-598). Podgorica: Univerzitet Crne Gore, Agencija za zaštitu životne sredine Crne Gore, Wild Beauty Art Festival. ISBN 978-86-7664-252-6 (UCG), ISBN 978-9940-9924-7-7 (AZŽS)

Vesić, M. & Bogdanović, M. (2024). Attitudes of owners and perspectives of sustainable tourist business in Vojvodina farms. Zbornik radova – Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 72, 159-173. DOI: 10.5937/zrgfub2472159V

Bogdanović, M. & Vesić, M. (2024). Percepcija mladih – gradski vs seoski turizam. Deseti naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem „Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja“, Pirot, 17-19. oktobar 2024. (str. 277-283). DOI: 10.5937/LSPUPN24277B. Beograd: Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, Univerzitet u Beogradu – Geografski fakultet. ISBN 978-86-6283-156-9 (GF)

Богдановић, М., Весић, М., Тодоровић, Н., Белиј Радин, М. & Павловић, С. (2024). Предузетнички дух етно села Србије у контексту развоја сеоског туризма. Зборник радова са VI конгреса географа Србије са међународним учешћем „Quo vadis geographia?“, Златибор, 29-31. август 2024. (стр. 263–272). DOI: 10.5937/KonGef24088B. Београд: Универзитет у Београду – Географски факултет, Српско географско друштво. ISBN 978-86-6283-155-2

Богдановић, М. (2024). Улога креативног туризма у туристичкој понуди етно села Србије. Зборник радова младих истраживача са VI конгреса географа Србије са међународним учешћем „Quo vadis geographia?“, Златибор, 29-31. август 2024. (стр. 449–457). DOI: 10.5937/KonGef24109B. Београд: Универзитет у Београду – Географски факултет, Српско географско друштво. ISBN 978-86-6283-155-2

Vesić, M. & Bogdanović, M. (2023). Zeleni turizam na salašima Vojvodine kao motivacioni faktor za privlačenje turista. Dvanaesti po redu naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćemPlanska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine”, Novi Pazar, 05–07. oktobar 2023. (str. 335‒341). Beograd: Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, Univerzitet u Beogradu – Geografski fakultet. ISBN 978-86-6283-142-2 (GF)

Bogdanović, M. (2023). Tematski turistički klaster – studija slučaja na prostoru Severnobačkog okruga. Zbornik radova mladih istraživača sa Dvanaestog po redu naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćemPlanska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine”, Novi Pazar, 05–07. oktobar 2023. (str. 17-23). Beograd: Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, Univerzitet u Beogradu – Geografski fakultet. ISBN 978-86-6283-143-9 (GF)

Богдановић, М. & Петровић, С. (2023). Трендови културног туризма Холандије – промене у структури посетилаца. Зборник радова младих истраживача са научног скупа са међународним учешћем „Традиција и трансформација туризма као просторног феномена, Београд, 03–04. новембар 2022. (стр. 255-273). Београд: Универзитет у Београду – Географски факултет. ISBN 978-86-6283-145-3