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Climate Hub Curricula Ideation Workshop

Curricula ideation workshop: Climate education at Circle U. universities

You are a student or lecturer at one of the Circle U. universities and would like to see more integration of climate and sustainability topics into your curricula? You are interested in starting, joining or supporting student-led initiatives and interdisciplinary projects? You already have ideas on how to educate more people on climate change and mitigation actions or would like to develop ideas with fellow students and teachers across Europe?

Then our virtual ideation workshop on 27 June, 14.00 – 18.00 CET, is for you! Together, we will identify gaps in the current study programmes, exchange ideas and come up with suggestions for improvements. Our output will feed into the development of the Climate Hub’s profile as well as the realization of new teaching and learning offers within Circle U.

More information as well as the registration link can be found on the website:
