EcoTER’23 – updated information
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are pleased to invite you to participate in the 30th Anniversary International Conference Ecological Truth & Environmental Research—EcoTER’23 to be held from 20 to 23 June 2023 in Hotel “Stara Planina”, on the mountain Stara Planina (Serbia).
The Conference will provide a platform for scientists, industrial experts and practitioners to meet and share the results of innovative research and cutting-edge developments in the fields of ecology, technology, chemical engineering, environmental protection, biology, and environmental management.
The participants of the EcoTER Conference will have the opportunity to submit papers and discuss the following topics related to environmental impacts on our daily lives:
- Environmental monitoring and impact assessment
- Urban and industrial ecology
- Air, water and soil pollution, prevention and control
- Protection and preservation of natural resources
- Ecological ethics and environmental education
- Ecotoxicology and environmental safety
- Hazardous materials and green technologies
- Human and ecological risk assessment
- Agriculture: nutrition, organic food and health impacts
- Alternative energy: efficiency and environmental policy
- Greenhouse effect and global climate change
- Sustainable development and green economy
- Environmental biology
- Environmental and material flow management
- Life-Cycle-Analysis (LCA)
The deadline for full paper submission is extended until:
12 May 2023
We kindly ask you to forward the updated information to your colleagues, researchers and PhD students and help us in our effort to promote the EcoTER Conference.
When booking the „Stara Planina“ hotel, please refer to the EcoTER Conference, since we have group preferential rates.